M-25.2 - Act respecting the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune

Full text
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  a wildlife conservation and development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to wildlife habitat conservation, management and development;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential and of the circular economy, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration, processing and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a fossil energy management component, whose purpose is to finance work and activities necessary for the purposes of the Act ending exploration for petroleum and underground reservoirs and production of petroleum and brine (chapter R-1.01) and the Act respecting natural gas storage and natural gas and oil pipelines (chapter S-34.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1; 2016, c. 35, s. 23; 2020, c. 19, s. 48; 2021, c. 24, s. 112; 2022, c. 10, s. 86; 2024, c. 36, s. 147.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  a wildlife conservation and development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to wildlife habitat conservation, management and development;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a fossil energy management component, whose purpose is to finance work and activities necessary for the purposes of the Act ending exploration for petroleum and underground reservoirs and production of petroleum and brine (chapter R-1.01) and the Act respecting natural gas storage and natural gas and oil pipelines (chapter S-34.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1; 2016, c. 35, s. 23; 2020, c. 19, s. 48; 2021, c. 24, s. 112; 2022, c. 10, s. 86.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  a wildlife conservation and development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to wildlife habitat conservation, management and development;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a fossil energy management component, whose purpose is to finance work and activities necessary for the purposes of the Petroleum Resources Act (chapter H-4.2), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1; 2016, c. 35, s. 23; 2020, c. 19, s. 48; 2021, c. 24, s. 112.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  (subparagraph repealed);
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a fossil energy management component, whose purpose is to finance work and activities necessary for the purposes of the Petroleum Resources Act (chapter H-4.2), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1; 2016, c. 35, s. 23; 2020, c. 19, s. 48.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  (subparagraph repealed);
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a fossil energy management component, whose purpose is to finance work and activities necessary for the purposes of the Petroleum Resources Act (chapter H-4.2), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them, as well as geoscience knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and research and development in petroleum, natural gas, underground reservoirs and brine; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1; 2016, c. 35, s. 23.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  (subparagraph repealed);
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a hydrocarbon management component, whose purpose is to finance activities necessary for the purposes of Divisions IX to XIII of Chapter III of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them, as well as geoscience knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and research and development in petroleum, natural gas, underground reservoirs and brine; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 35, s. 1.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a hydrocarbon management component, whose purpose is to finance activities necessary for the purposes of Divisions IX to XIII of Chapter III of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them, as well as geoscience knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and research and development in petroleum, natural gas, underground reservoirs and brine; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Act respecting transparency measures in the mining, oil and gas industries (chapter M-11.5) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53; 2016, c. 7, s. 170.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship;
(5)  a hydrocarbon management component, whose purpose is to finance activities necessary for the purposes of Divisions IX to XIII of Chapter III of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them, as well as geoscience knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and research and development in petroleum, natural gas, underground reservoirs and brine; and
(6)  a mining activity management component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to the application of the Mining Act, except the activities under subparagraph 5, the Mining Tax Act (chapter I-0.4) and the regulations.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship; and
(5)  a hydrocarbon management component, whose purpose is to finance activities necessary for the purposes of Divisions IX to XIII of Chapter III of the Mining Act (chapter M-13.1), of the other provisions of that Act accessory to those divisions, and of the regulations made under them, as well as geoscience knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and research and development in petroleum, natural gas, underground reservoirs and brine.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227; 2013, c. 16, s. 53.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
In force: 2013-04-01
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship.
The Government may, on the conditions it determines and on the recommendation of the Minister, order that a part, which it fixes, of any sum that would otherwise be credited to the general fund be credited to one of the components of the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
The Minister may transfer an advance made to one component of the Fund to another.
2011, c. 16, s. 54; 2011, c. 18, s. 227.
17.12.12. A Natural Resources Fund is established to finance certain activities of the department. The Fund consists of the following components:
(1)  a forestry component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to seedling production, forestry inventory data and forestry research and other activities aimed at maintaining or improving the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
In force: 2013-04-01
(2)  a sustainable forest development component, whose purpose is to finance activities relating to sustainable forest development and forest management, increasing timber production, forestry research and other activities relating to forest education and awareness and to the protection, development or processing of forest resources;
(3)  an energy efficiency and innovation component, whose purpose is to finance programs and measures relating to energy efficiency and innovation, and activities relating to the Minister’s responsibilities with regard to such programs and measures;
(4)  a mining heritage component, whose purpose is to finance activities that foster the development of mineral potential, including such activities as geoscience knowledge acquisition, research and development in mining exploration and development and mining site rehabilitation and restoration techniques, and support for the development of Québec entrepreneurship.
The Government may, on the Minister’s recommendation, determine other activities that may be financed by the Fund, decide which component those activities fall under, create new components as needed and specify any new sums to be included in the Fund.
An order under the second paragraph may take effect as of the start date of the fiscal year in which it is made.
2011, c. 16, s. 54.